Winona State University
Abstract: In this talk, I describe a collaboration with research wildlife biologists and statisticians to analyze over 2 million data points collected from GPS telemetry devices attached to bald eagles. My research project involved two phases. In the first phase, I applied unsupervised learning methods to identify distinct bald eagle behavioral flight modes using the flight data obtained from the GPS observations. In the second phase, I applied supervised learning methods to classify behavior risks using environmental data to understand how bald eagle flight related to underlying land features and topography. The intent of this project was to understand land types where bald eagles might be at greater risk of collision with industrial wind turbines to inform placement of wind farms. This majority of the talk will be accessible to the general public; the entirety will be accessible to 2nd- or 3rd-year statistics/data science majors.
Wednesday, January 19th,
12:00- 12:50 PM
Science Laboratory Center/SLC 120