Departmental Seminar

Creative and Curious Math for Undergraduate People

Dr. Aaron Wangberg
Winona State University

Abstract:  Mathematics is supposed to be fun. And Hard. And Useful. But Fun! In this interactive talk, we’ll find patterns in addition, play a series of pattern guessing games, and explore how Ms. Pacman plays tic-tac-toe. Along the way, we’ll develop a picture of doing mathematics that values creativity and curiosity that helps kids, grandparents, and everyone in between be mathematicians. This talk is accessible to all students.

Wednesday, October 26th,

12:00- 12:50 PM

Gildemeister 155

Student Seminar

12:00 - 12:45 PM, Wednesday, September 19, Gild155

Automating Survey Management with Qualtrics

Emma Rector

This talk will give an overview of the work I did this summer as part of the MASDER (Motivational Attitudes in Statistics and Data Science Education Research) project. The goal of the project is to develop new surveys for assessing attitudes towards statistics and data science education as well as a website for survey distribution and reporting. I will discuss my work with the Qualtrics API in R to improve our data extraction process for reports and how the project will benefit in the next stages.