Time: 12:00 - 12:50 PM
Day: Wednesday, March 1
Place: Gildemeister 155
Science Internship
at Fastenal
I will be giving a talk about my internship at Fastenal. The talk
will cover the different responsibilities I had as a part time employee. I
will talk about what I learned at school and how it helped me in the business
world. I will go over a few of the side projects I worked on. Then I will go
over automation in the workplace. This will be shown using an excel macro I
created to help me save time during the work week. Finally, I will talk about
the skills my internship helped me develop, and how it helped me start a
on p-adic
Continued Fractions
One of the major results for continued fractions is the Stern-Stolz
Theorem that relates the divergence of the continued fraction to the convergence
of the associated series. In this presentation, we review the geometric approach
by Beardon and Short who reproved the Stern-Stolz Theorem (and other
important convergence theorems for continued fractions) by treating continued
fractions as a sequence of Möbius transformations on the complex plane. Then
these methods are extended to prove the analogous theorem in the complete p-adic field ℂp.