Student Seminar

12:00 - 12:50 PM, Wednesday, March 17, via ZOOM

Business Data and Strategy Support at Fastenal

Sam Broberg

As a part of the Data team at Fastenal my focus, for most of the summer, was on combining different forecasting methods to create a faster and more accurate forecasting process for various parts that Fastenal distributes to its hubs and then to its customers. Along the way, I added some process automation and database relation techniques to help with these projects. In this presentation I will be discussing the overall problem I was presented with, the process I created to address the problem, the different forecasting methods, and the outcomes.

       Business Intelligence Consulting and Development with PowerData Solutions

Sam Andrews

Joining the small team at PowerData Solutions, I interned as a Business Intelligence Analytics Developer. My job primarily involved consultant work with Nemadji, a medical data analytics company based in Duluth, MN in addition to more intermittent internal work for PowerData itself. The primary discussion in this presentation will revolve around what it is like to work in such a role, in addition to the project-based nature of the role itself. I will also speak to challenges related to communication and investigation of potential problems.